S1 E10: Life Beneath The Ashes: A Conversation with Cindertalk

In this episode, Stephen catches up with songwriter/composer Jonny Rodgers of Cindertalk and discusses the creative process in writing music for film. Cindertalk composes using tuned wine glasses combined with acoustic and electronic instrumentation. He recently composed the soundtrack for The Fourth Line Films release, "The Psalms" featuring Bono and Eugene Peterson.  Cindertalk has collaborated with a number of artists such as Son Lux, Shara Warden of My Brightest Diamond as well as contributed to music for the movie, The Brother's Bloom. You can find out more about Cindertalk at: http://www.cindertalk.com  You can read the blog mentioned in this episode at: http://www.stephenroach.org

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S1 E9: On The Relationship Between Beauty & Justice (Live)

Art is an extension of the artist. The environments we create affect our relationship to the world around us. From the beginning of the Genesis story on, humanity has been invited to collaborate with the Spirit of God in establishing environments of beauty and justice on the earth. In this keynote, Stephen discusses how these elements share an important interactive relationship and how as artists, we can assist in establishing beauty and justice in our lives.  You can see the film documentary "For The Love Of" mentioned at the beginning of this episode here.   

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S1 E7: The Metaphysics of Dirt & Breath with Stephen Roach (Live)

In this keynote, Stephen Roach gives the foundational heart and philosophy behind what has since grown into The Breath & The Clay creative arts movement. Drawing from the Creation narratives in Genesis 1 & 2, Stephen shows that creativity is the birthright of human beings and is essential to experience the fullness of life.

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